Dress Code
Dress Code Policy for Stony Point North
We are no longer a uniform school. Dress code is as follows:
Dresses, skirts and shorts must be as long as the fingertips when arms are placed at one’s side (mid-thigh).
- Pants must fit and NOT sag (belts should be worn if needed).
- Leggings must be accompanied by shirts/tops as long as the fingertips when arms are placed at one’s side (mid-thigh).
- Halter tops, tube tops, spaghetti straps, or tops that expose the upper body will not be permitted.
- For safety reasons, flip flops, open toe sandals, or slippers may not be worn
- Caps, hoods, scarves, bandanas, etc. may not be worn. If a sweatshirt has a hood, the hood may not be worn during school. (Note: The only exception to this rule is documented religious or medical reasons)
- Logos on clothing that advertise or symbolize any illegal substances, containing derogatory phrases, profanity, or portrays violence or criminal behavior are not permitted.
- All clothing must be neat, clean, in a condition of good repair and fit appropriately.
- Additional guidelines may be established by the school administrators.
Parents will be contacted and requested to bring a change of clothing for those students whose attire does not meet the stated expectations.